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  • OPEN MORNING - 17th September

    Published 09/09/22

    Open Day - Tuesday, 17th September 2024

    If your child is starting school next year in August 2025 please join us to see what we have on offer on Tuesday, 17th September 2024.  We will be doing two show rounds at 9.30am and 11 am. This is an ideal opportunity to meet our staff, pupils and have a look around. 

    We have places for next year’s EYFS class but applications must be made to your Local Authority NO LATER than 15th January 2025. We also have places available in other classes.

    Please contact the school office on 01858 555 629 or email: to book a place on the showround.

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  • Year 4's trip to Leicester

    Published 05/07/22

    Year 4 went on their Leicester explorer trip completing the City Streets Treasure trail.  Although the weather was not that kind to them, they all enjoyed the excursion and the ice cream at the end of th trail!

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  • Jubilee Celebrations

    Published 14/06/22

    The children had a lovely afternoon celebrating the Queen's Jubilee, they all came dressed in Red, White and Blue and were served a traditional tea with cucumber sandwiches and lots of cakes! A wonderful celebration with lots of singing and dancing.

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  • Trip to the Houses of Parliament

    Published 26/05/22

    Years 5 & 6 had a fantastic day out in London.  They visited the London Eye and then went on a tour around the Houses of Westminster, they got to hear the House of Commons debating about NATO and saw Big Ben now that the restoration work has been completed.  They finished off the day by doing a quiz and they were lucky enough to see the changing of the guard at Horse guards Parade. A day to remember.

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  • New Raised Beds

    Published 23/05/22

    Year 1 had a great time planting and watering all the strawberry plants and other various vegetable plants that Grace Homes very kindly donated to the school along with building the new raised beds and enlarging the staff car park.  We are all looking forward to tasting the strawberries soon.

    A huge thank you to Grace Homes.

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  • Woburn Safari Park Visit

    Published 04/05/22

    Woburn Safari Visit - April 2022

    EYFS, Yr1 & Yr2 had a wonderful day out at Woburn Safari Park.  We had an African Adventure talk, went on a walkabout round the Wallaby enclosure and saw lots of little joeys, watched the Sea lions swimming and lots more. During our drive-through Safari, three of the monkeys decided to hitch a lift on our coach, much to everyone's amusement!!

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  • KS2 Easter Bonnets

    Published 07/04/22

    KS2 had some wonderful bonnets you could tell a lot of thought and glue had gone into their designs. Congratulations to everyone who took part, a magnificent turn out.

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  • KS1 Easter Bonnets

    Published 07/04/22

    The KS 1 children made some spectacular Easter bonnets which they wore to the Easter Assembly in Church this morning.  What a lot of hard work and fantastic creativity. Well done to everyone.

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  • Year 1 Medieval Day

    Published 06/04/22

    Year 1 had great fun on Tuesday.  We came to school dressed as Kings, Queens, Knights and Princesses for a Medieval Banquet in the great hall.  This was a fabulous end to our topic this term on Castles.  In the morning we made bread rolls and churned butter.  We made and enjoyed eating a medieval meat pie, steamed pudding (in the microwave!!) all washed down with  apple mead.  Between courses, we told jokes to entertain the king - he seemed to find them quite funny!!  After the banquet we learnt how to dance to traditional music of the time. 

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  • Year 5 & 6 Dodgeball

    Published 06/04/22

    There was a lot of ducking and diving and some great catches at the Dodgeball competition in March.  Well done to everyone who took part.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 07/03/22

    World Book Day - 3rd March 2022

    The school was buzzing with exciting book characters from Winne the Witch, Wally, Harry Potter characters and many more today.  Well done to all the children for making a superb effort with their outfits.


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  • Christingle 2022

    Published 13/01/22

    It was a lovely service led by Rev Jayne Lewis the children sang beautifully, it was a great way to raise money to help vulnerable children. Thank you for your support, we raised £337.83 The Children’s Society.

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